Child's hand holding an adult's single finger

Do good by donating money

If you have some disposable income which you might consider donating to a YouTuber or a blogger, please stop and think about it for a bit. By donating it to an effective charity, that money could be used to make a far bigger positive impact in the world. Check out the charity evaluators GiveWell, The Life You Can Save or CharityWatch to see what the most effective charities are today and what could you accomplish by donating even a tiny amount.

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21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Reading list: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

21 lessons for the 21st century by Yuval Noah Harari. A great book by a brilliant guy. It touches on every important topic, like migration, global warming, fake news, artificial intelligence and analyses them very carefully from all sides.

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Free Speech text overlaid on a microphone

A few thoughts on the freedom to offend

The freedom to offend is desperately needed because when any idea is immune to criticism, this is a step in a horrible direction. I don't think I have to persuade anyone to take this view. We should not be quiet about things that are currently bad in society and the ideas that drive them in the effort to get everyone to just get along.

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Euro Coin

20 years of the Euro


#OnThisDay at midnight on 1 January 1999 the Euro was introduced in non-physical form.

The Euro is the first common currency in Europe since the coins issued by the Roman Empire2 and it took no long and bloody conflicts this time.

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Condom - Original Image by Astryd_Mad/Pixabay

Problems in the world: Lack of foresight

We humans are a curious species, really. As far as we know we’re the only species capable of thinking about ourselves as existing through time, of planning the future, of thinking about what is to come. Yet, despite that, not only through history, but even today we are often in peculiar position of rushing head-first into something, then realizing that was not such a good idea, then trying to pass legislation to undo the effects that have occurred because of that recklessness and forbid others from repeating our mistakes.

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Turkey / Image: Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay

Happy Thanksgiving

Workers masturbate the male turkeys until they ejaculate and then workers collect the semen. Then female turkeys are forcibly inseminated using a syringe.

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Problems in our world - The desire to be right - Original by geralt/Pixabay

Problems in our world, Part I: The desire to be right

Even if you do not participate in any sorts of online discussions you must have noticed that there’s basically no end to online debates and that all your rebuttals often make your opponents withdraw even deeper into their beliefs, without even considering that they are not on a firm ground. This is not only my opinion – there is some research to indicate this is true.

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