We are at the end of 2018. It has been a difficult and turbulent year. All in all, I believe the world did go backwards. I think it cannot be said that it’s the media’s fault that we all think that. If you take an objective look, human rights have diminished, authoritarian regimes are on the rise, LGBT rights have been reduced. I think it’s safe to say that the year wasn’t that good.
Read MoreWe humans are a curious species, really. As far as we know we’re the only species capable of thinking about ourselves as existing through time, of planning the future, of thinking about what is to come. Yet, despite that, not only through history, but even today we are often in peculiar position of rushing head-first into something, then realizing that was not such a good idea, then trying to pass legislation to undo the effects that have occurred because of that recklessness and forbid others from repeating our mistakes.
Read MoreWorkers masturbate the male turkeys until they ejaculate and then workers collect the semen. Then female turkeys are forcibly inseminated using a syringe.
Read MoreEven if you do not participate in any sorts of online discussions you must have noticed that there’s basically no end to online debates and that all your rebuttals often make your opponents withdraw even deeper into their beliefs, without even considering that they are not on a firm ground. This is not only my opinion – there is some research to indicate this is true.
Read MoreWhile religion might be a problem in the world, it is politics and divisions it creates in our world that in my opinion currently might just be the world’s biggest problem. When being on the ‘winning side’ in politics is more important than scientific truth, the consequences for our world might be dire indeed. Don’t believe me? Look at the climate change.
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First, let's get some things straight. A person might cringe and disapprove of feminism while simultaneously having no clue what feminism actually is. So, let's see what the definition is:
1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests
Note how neither definition contains anything about hating men, lowering the status or the rights of men, practising witchcraft or destroying the foundations of society – although it would imply challenging some of those foundations, namely ones that women and girls should be quiet and obedient and similar nonsense of the patriarchy.
So, under definition one, I am definitely a feminist. To completely honest, I do not participate in any organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Yes, this is a failing. I should try to at least get out to join a protest or a march when it's close. This is, in my opinion, the very least each of us should do in order to try and have a better world.
Historically, men have always had power over women. Feminism simply wants to change that. It's not that difficult.
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