Religion and Terror - Broken Statue

Religion and Terror

Even if the London attacker turns out not to be Muslim or Islam-motivated, this latest attack has again spawned various debates and opinions on Islam & Terrorism, so let's write something about this.

Nobody is condemning all Muslims. This is just a given.

But to ignore the facts and to say that this has nothing to do with religion is plain wrong.

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It's their culture

It's their culture!

One thing that has a big tendency to both annoy and to actually damage the World is the “It’s their culture” proclamation. There are real problems with it. Basically, this proclamation is often heard when trying to defend bigoted, racist, sexist or misogynist behaviour. Effectively we’re saying that people are entitled to their own culture, and the often horrific behaviour is simply the part of the culture, so we should all simply live with it.

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Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Epicurus - Is God willing to prevent evil ... ?

In my opinion, a lot can be achieved by using Memes. A simple short message can often make people stop and think, even if it's for a brief moment. So with this idea, a new blog Category is created, aptly named "Atheist Memes". In here you will be able to find all the memes "Is it Ok to Think?" shares on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all social media.

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If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them

A word about getting absolute morality from Religion

Too often I have heard that without religion there can be no morality, that you cannot be a good person without being religious. So, let me address that point briefly.

Yes, religion does provide a set of moral values. But what is this “absolute morality”, you say? Well, as I understand it, absolute morality means that there are rules which are always in effect regardless of the circumstances. For example, killing a human being is always wrong, no matter the circumstances. Stealing is always wrong, no matter the circumstances. etc.

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God didn't do it

Why do you think so little about yourself?

There’s a sadly recurring theme among religious people, and it basically comes down to not liking themselves enough. I’m talking about the tendency of religious people to attribute everything that went well in their lives to God and prayer.

The image above is actually the whole point this post tries to make.

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My religion divided by your religion equals war

Freedom to criticize Religion

In all modern democracies, one of fundamental citizen rights is that of a Religious freedom. There is no state-backed religion and there is no discrimination of people based on their religious beliefs. At least in writing, as something similar is undoubtedly written into Constitution of your own Country.

For example in my native Croatia, Article 40 of our Constitution says:

“Jamči se sloboda savjesti i vjeroispovijedi i slobodno javno očitovanje vjere ili drugog uvjerenja.”

which roughly translated means that freedom of consciousness and religion and free public display of said religion or other belief is guaranteed.

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