Balloons that look like aliens

A few words about Conspiracy Theories

About of third of Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job by the Bush Administration. source: Scientific American. For anyone who ever read my blog before, won’t be surprised by my standing about this and other conspiracy theories: “Where is the evidence?”. You see, it’s not enough to point and say “this feels wrong, because this and that, you have to show evidence that supports your point of view”.

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Problems in our world - The desire to be right - Original by geralt/Pixabay

Problems in our world, Part I: The desire to be right

Even if you do not participate in any sorts of online discussions you must have noticed that there’s basically no end to online debates and that all your rebuttals often make your opponents withdraw even deeper into their beliefs, without even considering that they are not on a firm ground. This is not only my opinion – there is some research to indicate this is true.

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Not As Bad As ...

Not as bad as ...

One of the arguments I do not particularly like is the so-called - not as bad as - argument. I am sure you have it seen all over the internet.
It can take many forms in many situations, for example:

• Religion is very influential, but not as influential as in Saudi Arabia
• Trump is a dictator, but nothing compared to Stalin
• Women are paid less than men, but children are starving in Africa
• Women do not have equality in Europe, but women in Saudi Arabia have it even worse

Is this a good argument? Certainly, at the first glance, it could see that way, especially if applied to issues that are connected, for example, the status of women in the western world when compared to the status of women in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or somewhere else. It kind of does seem to have some argumentative power. But, does it really?

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View from an airplane

Debunking Conspiracy Theories – Chemtrails – Pt. 2–Why do some contrails last longer?

So, to continue what I started on June 24 – (not even three full months ago ) – I now return to the Chemtrails conspiracy. Last time together we took a look what are Chemtrails really.

To summarize quickly, just in case you are not interested in visiting the part 1., aircraft do leave trails behind. But they are actually a phenomenon that occurs when the byproducts of burning the aircraft fuel mix with cool air. The process of burning aircraft fuel leaves behind carbon dioxide and water. So, there is water vapour in the engine exhaust. This means that water droplets can form. How? Well, in essence, hot and humid air exits the engine. This is kind of like when you breathe out hot air from your lungs into the cold air outside. What happens? You provide moisture to the air, so condensation happens. This is not the whole story, as the contrail freezes in the cold air. By cold air it’s usually meant below -30°C. When you have air that cold, that means that those water droplets freeze very quickly. So, you now have ice particles. This is what the contrails are made from.

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Science is not the only answer to everything

Science is not the only answer to everything. We need to get involved as well.

I love Science. I feel science is the greatest enterprise humanity has engaged in. I am moved to tears by reading Carl Sagan or Stephen Hawking and realizing how far humans have come by using principles of science.

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Religion in the Brain

By losing religion we lose very little, but gain very much

While it might be brave to have faith in claims of religion, the truth is this is a sacrifice of reason humans do not need to make.

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Hand Holding the World

Search Engines are not foolproof

They give you one box, you type in your question or query and press Enter. You might think that there is absolutely no way to use that incorrectly, or that something bad might happen as a result of that search. Yet, you would be wrong.

The thing about search engines is that they use algorithms that were designed to try and find results that are most relevant to your query. Algorithm has a number of factors it considers when deciding how relevant something is. That all sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, for starters, those factors are not whether something was proven true or is something based on evidence, but they are things that search engine manufacturers have decided that are likely to produce quality results. Of course, theoretically those things can lineup, so that search engine really presents you with credible information, but that is not guaranteed in any way.

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