You don’t know why she posed nude

You don’t know why she posed nude

A lot of people really are acting like they can read minds, like they know absolutely everything about everybody. One of the ways these people are revealed is when they come across a nude or half nude or … almost any photo where a woman’s skin is showing. It can almost be guaranteed that someone (a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter – although it’s usually men) will comment something like:

Well, of course she’s naked. That’s how you earn money if you don’t have any other talents.

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Woman with a sword

The Bechdel Movie Test

There's this thing called The Bechdel Movie Test.

It's a very simple way to gauge the presence and influence of female characters in movies. Or to be more accurate, determine if a certain movie test has even a minimum presence of any meaningful female characters.

It's a very simple test that has only three simple rules for movies:

  1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it

  2. Who talk to each other

  3. About something besides a man

As you can see from the rules, this isn't a "feminism" test.

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