Free Speech text overlaid on a microphone

A few thoughts on the freedom to offend

The freedom to offend is desperately needed because when any idea is immune to criticism, this is a step in a horrible direction. I don't think I have to persuade anyone to take this view. We should not be quiet about things that are currently bad in society and the ideas that drive them in the effort to get everyone to just get along.

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#ProEU - Stronger together

#ProEU Introduction - Supporting the EU Reform

The world is in turmoil. The US has its own problems and exports them all over the world in the form of far-right. Russia, it seems has found a perfect weapon against democracy and liberal values – trolls and fake news. China is doing its own thing. In Brazil, far right is in power. Some historians have even begun to draw parallels between what is now in the US and the beginnings of Nazi Germany. Even if they’re wrong, I personally do not recall seeing these kinds of comparisons during the nineties or 2000s. Some might say that I have not been looking at the right places and that this has been festering for a long time. That is certainly possible. The internet and social media have brought these kinds of ideas and persons from the margins into the full view and now you barely can escape them. They are everywhere, infecting everything, no doubt inspired by the people of the similar calibre being in the positions of power as well.

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Cordelia Fine: Delusions of Gender

Reading List: Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine

Book Recommendation! I have always felt that it's not so simple as some popular science books and authors would have you believe and it turns out, it's really not that simple.

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The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women

A great resource: "The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women"

I was contacted with a request to share a link to a guide written by Sara Levavi-Eilat how women can protect themselves online. Upon inspection, this seems like a very useful reource and I am sharing an introduction to it, with a request that you read it directly on to learn more and share it on social media with your friends.

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Problems in our world - The desire to be right - Original by geralt/Pixabay

Problems in our world, Part I: The desire to be right

Even if you do not participate in any sorts of online discussions you must have noticed that there’s basically no end to online debates and that all your rebuttals often make your opponents withdraw even deeper into their beliefs, without even considering that they are not on a firm ground. This is not only my opinion – there is some research to indicate this is true.

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We are better than this - Original image by StockSnap/Pixabay

A rant about politics

While religion might be a problem in the world, it is politics and divisions it creates in our world that in my opinion currently might just be the world’s biggest problem. When being on the ‘winning side’ in politics is more important than scientific truth, the consequences for our world might be dire indeed. Don’t believe me? Look at the climate change.

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Feminism: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

Who are you? Here's who I am, part II: I am a Feminist

First, let's get some things straight. A person might cringe and disapprove of feminism while simultaneously having no clue what feminism actually is. So, let's see what the definition is:


1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

Note how neither definition contains anything about hating men, lowering the status or the rights of men, practising witchcraft or destroying the foundations of society – although it would imply challenging some of those foundations, namely ones that women and girls should be quiet and obedient and similar nonsense of the patriarchy.

So, under definition one, I am definitely a feminist. To completely honest, I do not participate in any organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Yes, this is a failing. I should try to at least get out to join a protest or a march when it's close. This is, in my opinion, the very least each of us should do in order to try and have a better world.

Historically, men have always had power over women. Feminism simply wants to change that. It's not that difficult.

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