Laptop showing text 'Fake news'

How to detect fake news

Anyone who hasn't spent the last few years in a cave should be familiar with the concept of fake news. Fake news is just that – articles and other content that are presented as true but are in reality either made up completely or do contain an element of truth but grossly exaggerate or misrepresent other elements and facts that can be found in the article. Or even half of an article can be true and the other half completely made up.

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In praise of idleness by Bertrand Russell

My best Instagram Posts

Is it Ok to think? is on Instagram. Here are some of the best posts so far. If you are on Instagram be sure to follow because when inspiration strikes, it is highly likely that something will be published there first, simply because I might feel that it’s too small a thought to warrant a full blog post. You’ll notice that some have very few likes. This is because at the beginning you don’t have so many followers, but they are still included because I feel they are essentially good. 

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Jack London: Martin Eden

Jack London: Martin Eden

Martin Eden by Jack London is a novel about a young uneducated sailor from a working class, Martin Eden who after being invited to dinner falls in love with Ruth Morse, a woman from a wealthy and prestigious family.

Because she belongs in a social class "above" him, he decides he will no longer earn money using his hands but his mind and starts the journey to become a part of the elite, to rise above what he is currently, to achieve a higher status.

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Why Men Fight: a method of abolishing the international duel

Why Men Fight by Bertrand Russell

As an anti-war activist, it is only fitting that Bertrand Russell wrote a book that tries to explain what are the reasons for any fighting between humans, not only war. It is even more important to notice that the book was written in 1916, during World War 1 and according to Wikipedia it was released in 1917 in response to devastations of WWI.

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Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy

Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy by Simon Blackburn

The title of this book is very appropriate. „Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy“ is a book for people who are at least on some level aware that there are great mysteries and big questions about various topics and wish to move at least a bit beyond that awareness. If you have a desire to know, this is a book for you.

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'We Love Thinking' written over an image of a boy with a flashlight pointing towards the sky

We Love Thinking - a Facebook Group

This group will serve as a secondary way for people to connect and discuss space, science, art and atheism - you know, the topics of this page. So, if you are feeling generous, please join to help start this group. If it works - excellent. If it does not, no matter, the page itself will be always available.

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The explosion which is supposed to remind of the Big Bang

Cosmological Argument: An Introduction and objections

This post is about scratching the surface of cosmological arguments for the existence of God. As this is a very complex area and there are many disagreements and debates even between brilliant thinkers and professional philosophers, I cannot stress enough that this post is mostly about my personal journey of trying to begin to understand these issues and arguments.

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