Feminism: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

Who are you? Here's who I am, part II: I am a Feminist

First, let's get some things straight. A person might cringe and disapprove of feminism while simultaneously having no clue what feminism actually is. So, let's see what the definition is:


1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

Note how neither definition contains anything about hating men, lowering the status or the rights of men, practising witchcraft or destroying the foundations of society – although it would imply challenging some of those foundations, namely ones that women and girls should be quiet and obedient and similar nonsense of the patriarchy.

So, under definition one, I am definitely a feminist. To completely honest, I do not participate in any organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Yes, this is a failing. I should try to at least get out to join a protest or a march when it's close. This is, in my opinion, the very least each of us should do in order to try and have a better world.

Historically, men have always had power over women. Feminism simply wants to change that. It's not that difficult.

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Women as Background Decoration in Games

Let me just repeat author's warning before the video. Content Warning: This educational episode contains graphic sexual and violent game footage.


In this video from Feminist Frequency (site) host, Anita Sarkeesian takes notice how game developers tend to create non-playable sexualized female characters whose only function is to add some substance to the background of these games and to keep presumably straight-white males interested.

I highly recommend you take 30 minutes of your time and watch this video, even if you're not into games. I promise it will remind you how we as human beings take some things too lightly, without thinking them through. And if it helps to do that, I'd say it's 30 minutes well spent.

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Equality 50/50 Men Women Symbols

Equality and intelligence

Every so often it is possible to come across some right-wing blog or Facebook post which claims to have proof that women on average are less intelligent than men, or that black people are less intelligent than white people or that one nation is more intelligent than other. Naturally, if you’re a decent human being and a good person, your first instinct will most likely be to try and deny the factual basis of those claims and thus ending up in a flame war.

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Group of people

The tyranny of majority

Sometimes I get the feeling people do not really understand what this whole democracy business is all about. I am sure that you too many times have seen arguments like „that is what majority wants, so we have to do it that way“, or „religion is in schools because the majority is religious“. So, let us see if these kinds of arguments have any merit or make sense.

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Wine glasses

Sex, Consent, Alcohol, Driving–answering the false equivalency

You know how the argument goes:

“If you can get drunk, get into an accident and then be responsible for decision to drive, why can’t you be held responsible for agreeing to have sex while drunk? Why is it rape?”

If you are looking superficially, the argument looks pretty solid. However, it is also invalid. Let’s see how.

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Thank you for being here

A reminder - What this page is about

Sorry for not posting for more than 20 days, it was vacation time. Anyway, we are back now and to kick off another season, let’s say a few words about this page and it’s goals, simply to try and clear up any misunderstandings that might have happened.

Most people that like the page are probably non-religious so you might feel annoyed by some of the arguments and thoughts being published here and consider it "preaching to the choir". You do not need to be told this. You already know it.

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Do Not Be Afraid Of The Future

People have always been afraid of change. Here and now is not perfect, but it is stable. It is reliable. It is dependable. The future may seem strange and unknown and scary and it might include things that make you uncomfortable, it might include things you personally do not like. But please try to see past that and try to have faith in humanity.

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