Milky Way

A few facts about the Universe everyone should be aware of

Here's a few facts I learned (or better said - picked-up) during my long-time fascination with the Universe. I am not an expert in any of this, but I like to acquire information. I also like to share with others what I learned. So, here goes ...

1. Universe is big. Really BIG.

To start thinking about the size of the Universe we don't need to immediately start thinking about billions of light-years to have an idea that Universe is really big. For the start, it's enough to think only about the distance between us and the star that is closest to the Earth.

The closest star to the Earth (outside the Sun) is Proxima Centauri, at 4.22 light-years distance. So, how much is a light-year?

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This illustration shows the gravitational waves thought to be produced by two orbiting white dwarf stars in a binary system called J0651, according to an August 2012 study. Credit: NASA

Scientists have directly detected Gravitational Waves

I'm not a scientist and I don't claim to understand a lot about this apparently HUGE scientific discovery, but I don't think this should stop me in sharing some videos I watched and articles I read. After all, here I'm assuming the role of a mere messenger, a messenger that was always fascinated by space and science. I also believe that every scientific discovery is a sign of mankind's progress towards a better future.

Gravitational waves are "ripples" in spacetime which behave like waves when you throw a stone in water, going outwards from the source. Now for the first time this effect has been observed on Earth.

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