Scientists have directly detected Gravitational Waves

This illustration shows the gravitational waves thought to be produced by two orbiting white dwarf stars in a binary system called J0651, according to an August 2012 study. Credit: NASA

"This illustration shows the gravitational waves thought to be produced by two orbiting white dwarf stars in a binary system called J0651, according to an August 2012 study."

Credit: NASA - Taken from

I'm not a scientist and I don't claim to understand a lot about this apparently HUGE scientific discovery, but I don't think this should stop me in sharing some videos I watched and articles I read. After all, here I'm assuming the role of a mere messenger, a messenger that was always fascinated by space and science. I also believe that every scientific discovery is a sign of mankind's progress towards a better future.

Gravitational waves are "ripples" in spacetime which behave like waves when you throw a stone in water, going outwards from the source. Now for the first time this effect has been observed on Earth. See this video from ESA where Gravitational Waves are Simply Explained With A Cube And Marble:

So, how did they make this scientific discovery? Watch this video from MIT for a basic explanation and a very cool moment when a scientist as 4:00 says "It's monumental. It's like Galileo using the telescope for the first time" and you can see she is delighted about this amazing discovery.

"This is really a human endeavour which everybody in the world should be proud of."

Professor Stephen Hawking gave an interview to BBC saying that this detection marks a scientific moment in scientific history.

What happened on Sept. 14, 2015 and was confirmed today, to me is a real proof of the potential humanity has in the grand scheme of things. I think we all as a mankind can be really proud about the discovery that was made and about the expanding of knowledge we just witnessed. A moment where we can say that we were proud to be a part of, if only as observers.

At the very end of this blog post, let me try to leave you with the immortal words of Carl Sagan - We Humans are capable of greatness.

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