My religion divided by your religion equals war

Freedom to criticize Religion

In all modern democracies, one of fundamental citizen rights is that of a Religious freedom. There is no state-backed religion and there is no discrimination of people based on their religious beliefs. At least in writing, as something similar is undoubtedly written into Constitution of your own Country.

For example in my native Croatia, Article 40 of our Constitution says:

“Jamči se sloboda savjesti i vjeroispovijedi i slobodno javno očitovanje vjere ili drugog uvjerenja.”

which roughly translated means that freedom of consciousness and religion and free public display of said religion or other belief is guaranteed.

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Evolution is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt, beyond doubt evolution is a fact.

Scientific Theory

Making sure to avoid any confusion about what "scientific theory" in context of evolution means, Richard Dawkins in The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution wrote:

Evolution is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt, beyond doubt evolution is a fact.

- Richard Dawkins

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Food sources of magnesium: bran muffins, pumpkin seeds, barley, buckwheat flour, low-fat vanilla yogurt, trail mix, halibut steaks, garbanzo beans, lima beans, soybeans, and spinach

Request For Comments: Nutritionism

Currently thinking about Nutritionism. I know almost nothing about it, but yet, it doesn't sound right to me. Just think about how many times have you heard "eat this and you will be healthy", only to hear that same advice declared bullshit in the very next study?

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Nasim Baglari is 29 years old - and banned from University in Iran

The title and the video say it all, really. The video is courtesy of Education is not a Crime.

Not that I support this Bahá'í religion, from what little I have read, it's more or less the same as other monotheistic religions (one creator, loving god, a source of all creation, blah blah ...) and I really don't care for any religion whatsoever. They're all false, and none of the religious stuff is true, is my belief.

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Look up from your phone and see that there are problems in the World

Sometimes I feel the world really needs a reminder that it has problems, so I'm going to spell out a few of them here. Generally it helps if you have problems spelled out, as humans tend to forget what things are important and just focus on the newest, shiniest phones and apps. Even as a developer, I must admit that apps are not going to change the world. Not really. Not in any REALLY, I mean REALLY important way.

OK, this was a gross generalization, as our precious phones and apps all help us to lead better and more comfortable lives in some way. You can connect with your long-lost friends. You can send messages to people more cheaply. Of course, sometimes these wonders of technology will save somebody's life. This is all great. But I sometimes feel that humanity in general has lost sight of the fact that there are REAL, bigger problems in the world.

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Woman with a sword

The Bechdel Movie Test

There's this thing called The Bechdel Movie Test.

It's a very simple way to gauge the presence and influence of female characters in movies. Or to be more accurate, determine if a certain movie test has even a minimum presence of any meaningful female characters.

It's a very simple test that has only three simple rules for movies:

  1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it

  2. Who talk to each other

  3. About something besides a man

As you can see from the rules, this isn't a "feminism" test.

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Kindle and few real books, side by side

Kindle or Real books?

I have one-word answer for you: BOTH! This is what I do. I just can't help it, but I really, really love both. It's really like asking: "Beauty or Brains"? Both, of course!

So, let's go through pluses of both real quick, just so that you can see why, if you care about reading, you should have both.

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