Nasim Baglari is 29 years old - and banned from University in Iran

The title and the video say it all, really. The video is courtesy of Education is not a Crime.

Not that I support this Bahá'í religion, from what little I have read, it's more or less the same as other monotheistic religions (one creator, loving god, a source of all creation, blah blah ...) and I really don't care for any religion whatsoever. They're all false, and none of the religious stuff is true, is my belief.

But the point is that once again, religion is used as an excuse to discriminate against a group of people and this is wrong, plain and simple.

Bahá'ís continue to be persecuted in Islamic countries, as Islamic leaders do not recognize the Bahá'í Faith as an independent religion, but rather as apostasy from Islam. The most severe persecutions have occurred in Iran, where over 200 Bahá'ís were executed between 1978 and 1998, and in Egypt.

The rights of Bahá'ís have been restricted to greater or lesser extents in numerous other countries, including Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Morocco, and several countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

- Wikipedia

To deny somebody an education based on an interpretation of a book written thousands of years ago is simply appalling. To deny an education is a mild consequence because the penalty for apostasy from Islam is Death.

The bad thing is, this is just one example of this religion and Islam. People are still discriminated against based on their beliefs (or lack of beliefs) and every case like this should get as much publicity as possible, because every time somebody is discriminated against, we all lose. Go and spread the word. Go.

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