Happy Birthday, Bertrand Russell
[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
On today’s date, 18 May 1872 (- 2 February 1970) Bertrand Arthur William Russell, was born. Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, writer, activist and Nobel laureate.
He has left huge impact on mathematics, logic, philosophy and even computer science. So, to celebrate the day this extraordinary man was born here’s some sites where you can get Bertrand Russell’s books either for free or very cheap.
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Not all of these books might be in the public domain in your country. You MUST check the copyright laws of your country before downloading.
Books by Russell, Bertrand on Project Gutenberg
Bertrand Russell Author page on Wikisource
Bertrand Russell on Open Library
Search for free books by Bertrand Russell on Google Play
Cheap books by Bertrand Russell on Amazon Kindle
But even if they are not free in your country, some of them now are really, really dirt cheap. For example, there is a huge number of Books under €2 on Amazon.de.
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