Girl in bedroom thinking / Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Critical thinking: why and how?

What we think about the issues we face influences how we spend our time on this earth.

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Church on one side of the chasm, Lady Justice statue on another

What is Secularism?

Contrary to what many people believe, secularism is not the same as atheism. Atheists are among the most vocal proponents of secularism, both offline and online. That might be the source of confusion.

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Why Men Fight: a method of abolishing the international duel

Why Men Fight by Bertrand Russell

As an anti-war activist, it is only fitting that Bertrand Russell wrote a book that tries to explain what are the reasons for any fighting between humans, not only war. It is even more important to notice that the book was written in 1916, during World War 1 and according to Wikipedia it was released in 1917 in response to devastations of WWI.

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Free Speech text overlaid on a microphone

A few thoughts on the freedom to offend

The freedom to offend is desperately needed because when any idea is immune to criticism, this is a step in a horrible direction. I don't think I have to persuade anyone to take this view. We should not be quiet about things that are currently bad in society and the ideas that drive them in the effort to get everyone to just get along.

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#ProEU - Stronger together

#ProEU Introduction - Supporting the EU Reform

The world is in turmoil. The US has its own problems and exports them all over the world in the form of far-right. Russia, it seems has found a perfect weapon against democracy and liberal values – trolls and fake news. China is doing its own thing. In Brazil, far right is in power. Some historians have even begun to draw parallels between what is now in the US and the beginnings of Nazi Germany. Even if they’re wrong, I personally do not recall seeing these kinds of comparisons during the nineties or 2000s. Some might say that I have not been looking at the right places and that this has been festering for a long time. That is certainly possible. The internet and social media have brought these kinds of ideas and persons from the margins into the full view and now you barely can escape them. They are everywhere, infecting everything, no doubt inspired by the people of the similar calibre being in the positions of power as well.

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Is it Ok to Think - the image of a brain and a buy looking up at the sky

Is it OK to Think - Mission, Rules and Goals 2019

Original image by FelixMittermeier/Pixabay

The page was built to spread messages I feel are important and to connect with like-minded people. Topics I care about are – atheism, feminism, science, space exploration, philosophy and art.

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Euro Coin

20 years of the Euro


#OnThisDay at midnight on 1 January 1999 the Euro was introduced in non-physical form.

The Euro is the first common currency in Europe since the coins issued by the Roman Empire2 and it took no long and bloody conflicts this time.

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