Even if you do not participate in any sorts of online discussions you must have noticed that there’s basically no end to online debates and that all your rebuttals often make your opponents withdraw even deeper into their beliefs, without even considering that they are not on a firm ground. This is not only my opinion – there is some research to indicate this is true.
Read MoreWhile religion might be a problem in the world, it is politics and divisions it creates in our world that in my opinion currently might just be the world’s biggest problem. When being on the ‘winning side’ in politics is more important than scientific truth, the consequences for our world might be dire indeed. Don’t believe me? Look at the climate change.
Read MoreLately, I feel that a lot of people belong to religions, political parties or other ideologies simply because they do not know who they are. They do not know what they believe in and even when they do know, they cannot say why. Myself, I want to think that I have a good grasp of who I am, what I feel and WHY do I feel something. So, this series of posts is designed to explore this. I will tell you who I am in hopes of you being inspired to search for yourself in a similar fashion. So, let's get to it.
Read MoreThere are days when we all feel that the World is a pretty bad place, that nobody cares about other people and that it's only getting worse. Some people might have extreme-left or extreme-right tendencies and when days like these strike them, they are willing to blame "globalization", or immigrants which in turn does make the world a worse place. So, it is basically a paradox > thinking the world is bad can lead to making the world bad.
Read MoreReminder to self and to anyone else within reach of humanity's global communication network - we are equipped with a tool that made all this possible.
Read MoreLess than two weeks after terrorist attack in Manchester, there was another terrorist attack. This time the target is London.
The time has come for us as a civilization to examine the cause behind these attacks. Now, you might think that we have done so, but we actually haven’t. And why? Well, mostly it is because people do not want to be labeled Islamophobic.
Read MoreTL;DR – That science and religion do not clash as they are not concerned with the same things is basically a mantra invented by religious people to have their religion not questioned.
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