Child's hand holding an adult's single finger

Do good by donating money

If you have some disposable income which you might consider donating to a YouTuber or a blogger, please stop and think about it for a bit. By donating it to an effective charity, that money could be used to make a far bigger positive impact in the world. Check out the charity evaluators GiveWell, The Life You Can Save or CharityWatch to see what the most effective charities are today and what could you accomplish by donating even a tiny amount.

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Why Men Fight: a method of abolishing the international duel

Why Men Fight by Bertrand Russell

As an anti-war activist, it is only fitting that Bertrand Russell wrote a book that tries to explain what are the reasons for any fighting between humans, not only war. It is even more important to notice that the book was written in 1916, during World War 1 and according to Wikipedia it was released in 1917 in response to devastations of WWI.

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21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Reading list: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

21 lessons for the 21st century by Yuval Noah Harari. A great book by a brilliant guy. It touches on every important topic, like migration, global warming, fake news, artificial intelligence and analyses them very carefully from all sides.

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Being Good by Simon Blackburn on Kindle

Reading List: Being Good by Simon Blackburn

There are books and principles that lay out the basic ideas which might naturally flow from being free of dogma and help us find morality in the secular world.

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Turkey / Image: Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay

Happy Thanksgiving

Workers masturbate the male turkeys until they ejaculate and then workers collect the semen. Then female turkeys are forcibly inseminated using a syringe.

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We are better than this - Original image by StockSnap/Pixabay

A rant about politics

While religion might be a problem in the world, it is politics and divisions it creates in our world that in my opinion currently might just be the world’s biggest problem. When being on the ‘winning side’ in politics is more important than scientific truth, the consequences for our world might be dire indeed. Don’t believe me? Look at the climate change.

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Equality 50/50 Men Women Symbols

Equality and intelligence

Every so often it is possible to come across some right-wing blog or Facebook post which claims to have proof that women on average are less intelligent than men, or that black people are less intelligent than white people or that one nation is more intelligent than other. Naturally, if you’re a decent human being and a good person, your first instinct will most likely be to try and deny the factual basis of those claims and thus ending up in a flame war.

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