Peter Singer: Practical Ethics

Reading List - Peter Singer: Practical Ethics

It is not easy being good. It is not easy to live ethically. What does it even mean to live ethically? How can a busy person take their time to try to tackle something so vas and at a first glance, overwhelming?

Yes, simply accepting what you are taught by your teachers, parents and religion is one way to go, but in order to really try to live a genuine and honest life, the key lies in deciding these things for yourself. We are not saying here that how to live ethically is always something that can be decided by each person and for each situation, as that would mean embracing moral relativism. Instead, we should embrace rational thinking about these issues and decide how we are to behave and what to believe based on arguments that are presented. It's certainly a more honest way to live that simply accepting what you are told.

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Animal Liberation by Peter Singer

Reading List: Peter Singer: Animal Liberation

This book was first published in 1975 and it's considered by many to be profound and groundbreaking. And with good reason. Let's explore some of these reasons here and try to look at why is it so profound, why after 45 years it's still very relevant and why you should read it.

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The time to be happy is now

What is humanism?

Some philosophies are more interested in what science proved and what logic and reason can tell us than what is written in some holy book. While atheism is simply a position of not having a belief in any god, humanism is a set of ideas, principles and values that might naturally flow from a lack of belief and from empathy for other humans and other living beings.

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Church on one side of the chasm, Lady Justice statue on another

What is Secularism?

Contrary to what many people believe, secularism is not the same as atheism. Atheists are among the most vocal proponents of secularism, both offline and online. That might be the source of confusion.

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Atheism Q&A #2

Time for part 2 of our Atheism Q&A. If you did not read Atheism Q&A Part One, starting there is suggested.

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In praise of idleness by Bertrand Russell

My best Instagram Posts

Is it Ok to think? is on Instagram. Here are some of the best posts so far. If you are on Instagram be sure to follow because when inspiration strikes, it is highly likely that something will be published there first, simply because I might feel that it’s too small a thought to warrant a full blog post. You’ll notice that some have very few likes. This is because at the beginning you don’t have so many followers, but they are still included because I feel they are essentially good. 

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Eye of a child with a reflection of an explosion

How to support charities without donating

Not everyone can afford to donate money all the time – most of us have been in a bad financial situation, so donating is not always an option. Let's look at a few other things you can do to help.

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