So, to continue what I started on June 24 – (not even three full months ago ) – I now return to the Chemtrails conspiracy. Last time together we took a look what are Chemtrails really.
To summarize quickly, just in case you are not interested in visiting the part 1., aircraft do leave trails behind. But they are actually a phenomenon that occurs when the byproducts of burning the aircraft fuel mix with cool air. The process of burning aircraft fuel leaves behind carbon dioxide and water. So, there is water vapour in the engine exhaust. This means that water droplets can form. How? Well, in essence, hot and humid air exits the engine. This is kind of like when you breathe out hot air from your lungs into the cold air outside. What happens? You provide moisture to the air, so condensation happens. This is not the whole story, as the contrail freezes in the cold air. By cold air it’s usually meant below -30°C. When you have air that cold, that means that those water droplets freeze very quickly. So, you now have ice particles. This is what the contrails are made from.
Read MoreOne of the great books of all time. It is not only fun and covers a fascinating topic, but it is jam-packed with symbolism.
Spoiler alert – but I am sure you do know what it is all about – The Traveler goes forward into the future (802,701 AD) and encounters the descendants of the human species, the Morlocks and the Eloi. You have seen the movies. You know what they say, that a movie is like an iceberg - only the top is visible. It is like that with this book as well.
Read MoreReminder to self and to anyone else within reach of humanity's global communication network - we are equipped with a tool that made all this possible.
Read MoreOn today’s date, 18 May 1872 (- 2 February 1970) Bertrand Arthur William Russell, was born. Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, writer, activist and Nobel laureate.
Read MoreOn today's date, 12. February 1809., Charles Darwin was born. Charles Darwin has put the world at the great debt with his contributions to science and understanding of our natural world.
Darwin formulated the scientific theory of evolution which he published in his book “On the origin of species” (now available for free in digital form).
[please check if it's also in the Public Domain in your country.]
Read MoreI have one-word answer for you: BOTH! This is what I do. I just can't help it, but I really, really love both. It's really like asking: "Beauty or Brains"? Both, of course!
So, let's go through pluses of both real quick, just so that you can see why, if you care about reading, you should have both.
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