Interesting Twitter Accounts to Follow

As passionate Twitter users would say "Facebook is for connecting with people you went to high school with. Twitter is for connecting with people you wish you went to high school with".

This is my small collection of interesting twitter accounts you should follow. It is sorted in no particular order.

United Nations - @UN

"The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after WW II by countries committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights."


Bill Gates - @BillGates

Gates is a programmer, inventor, former CEO of Microsoft and a philanthropist. Right now he's trying to save the world.


Neil deGrasse Tyson - @neiltyson

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, cosmologist and author. He tweets great stuff not only about space, but about science and humanity in general.


Tim Siedell - @badbanana

Tim Siedell is freelance writer and creative director. He tweets some funny stuff.


Human Rights Watch - @hrw

Human Rights Watch. Every Human should follow.


Alyssa Milano - @Alyssa_Milano

Alyssa is a only "real" celebrity (in a traditional sense) on this list. The reason? She cares about other, real people and their rights and her tweets often reflect that.


Nat Geo Photography - @NatGeoPhotos

Awesome photos from National Geographic. Really, nothing more needs to be said.


The Good Men Project - @GoodMenProject

They are trying to answer the question - What does it mean to be a good man?


Psychology Tomorrow - @Psych2morrowmag

Psychology Tomorrow Magazine is not your typical self-help magazine. It's cutting edge. They write and tweet a lot about sex, but in a positive light. Follow them to see what I mean.



CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the biggest particle physics laboratory in the world. You won't really understand a lot of their tweets, but they are asking and answering the fundamental questions about the universe.


Richard Branson - @richardbranson

Sir Richard Branson is a business magnate, investor, and philanthropist. He's pretty down to Earth and often has tweets that appeal to "regular people".


Saved You A Click - @SavedYouAClick

A very cool account that summarizes Tweets and saves you time. Very helpful, especially in this present time when everybody's writing headlines like "She tried to shave her legs. You won't believe what happened next ... " etc.


LoveConfidentWomen - @HauteDerriere

We as a humanity still have a long way to go before we really have equality, so every account that helps women become more empowered is a good sign. And this is one of the better ones. Follow them for inspiration or even if you deep down need a bit of convincing about women's role in this world.


European Space Agency - @esa

European Space Agency, keeping you posted on European space activities.


ClassicPics - @History_Pics

ClassicPics tweets historical photos of the good and bad, fun and sad moments from history. Follow for really interesting blast from the past.


Paul Steele - @paul_steele

Paul is a travel blogger, which means he and his friends go to a lot of cool places, blog and of course, tweet about them.


Earth Pictures - @EarthBeauties

They share awesome photos of our planet.


GOOD - @good

GOOD is a magazine for the new world. Their mission is: "Champion a new era of living well and doing good."


Irina Tikhomirova - @IrinaGreenVoice

Irina is a digital artist and Greenpeace online activist. I admire her passion.


Formula 1 - @F1

Well, of course I'm gonna mention something F1 related. And image, it's the official Twitter which got really, really good.


This is it from me for now, be on the watch for some more accounts to follow, both with Development and No-Development themes.

Also, feel free to share your favourite accounts in the comments and I will include them in this post. Thank you.

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